You had a great first date - how do you know if they're into you?

It’s the next day after having had a great date yesterday. You’ve just got out of bed, taken a shower and got ready for the day. But in the back of your mind you are turning over in your brain what happened during the date.

You’re thinking about how you passed the time, what you discussed, and what sort of impression you left on the other person. You’re hoping that the date was a big success, but how can you be sure? How can you tell if they were interested and would like to see you again? Here are the things that will indicate your date went well.

The other person was inquisitive

During your date the other person was trying to find out more about you. They were pleasantly inquisitive and were interested about your life. They were inquisitive about previous experiences, your lifestyle goals, your opinions and any responsibilities you undertake.

You were paid several compliments

Your date paid you several nice compliments throughout the evening. It made you feel that you were wanted and appreciated. The compliments seemed to flow naturally and the other person was appreciative of your direction in life and your goals.

The other person was on time and well organised

Your date was punctual and helped to make the evening enjoyable. He/she had obviously done some preparatory work in terms of making reservations etc. to ensure that the date ran smoothly

You swapped personal information

One-way conversations are not enjoyable. Yours wasn't. Your conversation during the date disclosed personal details about both you and your date. It enabled you to both share each other’s experiences. In terms of any questions you asked, your date was pleased to respond openly.

Smiley eye contact

All through the date the other person maintained great eye contact and smiled a lot. You felt that they were giving you their whole attention which made you feel totally involved, and wanted.

Mobiles didn’t interfere

Your date’s mobile phone wasn’t part of the evening. He/she had the respect and presence of mind to either turn it off, have it on silent, or ignore it. No annoying texting interrupted your conversation. The other person’s focus was on you and you alone.

Your views were value

You didn’t feel that your date was just giving you lip-service when you aired your views. You might have expressed different opinions on certain subjects, but it seemed that your date respected your opinions and your right to express them. It made room for pleasant debate but not argument.

You detected signs of affection

Your date wasn’t too touchy-feel, but they did initiate certain signs of affection such as holding hands putting their arms around your shoulder or waist and giving you a light peck on the cheek.

No wall of silence

Being greeted with a wall of silence after your date can be off-putting. However, if your date contacted you in one way or another to say how much they enjoyed your evening, you will know that things went well.

Whether or not it was immediately after the date, or sometime a little later (perhaps even the next morning) a polite “thank you” will indicate they had a good time.

Let’s date again

If during your date the other person talked about various opportunities for getting together again, that’s obviously a good sign. It means that they are likely to be interested in another date and that they would like to see more of you.

Who knows?

With results like these from your first date, the odds are that it will be have been the first date of many – and who knows where you will go from there?

General Dating Advice

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