Dating as a Single Parent

Putting the word "dating" in single parent dating...

You have no problems checking that marital status on the box in your application, so why have a problem admitting it when thinking about dating? Single parents have all kinds of reasons for not dating, yet whether you are divorced, widowed or never married, having a child does not mean you cannot have an active dating life. Having a child can be a rewarding thing for most people, but it is not always easy when you are a single parent. You face challenges that most other people do not, whether in your day to day life or in dating. The age of your child, their attitude toward you dating, and even your relationship with the mother or father of your child all impact your current dating life. So where do you begin?

First, as a single parent you have to admit you are ready and willing to date. Some single parents think that they should be out there dating, so they do, but really they aren't emotionally ready to be out there. Make sure you look at all of your emotions when getting into single parent dating. Can you handle giving emotionally to a new partner? Can you handle it if the person you are dating cannot deal with you having a child? Can you be honest about being a single parent? Really think the decision to start dating through. If you aren't ready, being a single parent who is dating may set you back emotionally and be disastrous for both you and your date.

However, if you feel you are ready to get back out in the dating world, then it is time to evaluate your situation and what you are looking for in a date. Take a look at how you want to approach meeting someone. It may sound contrived, but single parents have many other time constraints and responsibilities to consider. If you don't have the time, or energy, to put yourself out in the physical singles scene, there are plenty of alternative ways to meet people.

There are single parents dating all over the Internet. In fact, the web is a great place for single parents to find dates that aren't afraid of their family status. It offers single parents a safe place to meet another person. It also does not require a babysitter or the cost of night life, which can really add up. Plus, online dating offers you time to meet that is convenient for you, say, after the kids go to bed or during nap time.

Another great event for single parent dating is speed dating. The process of meeting a number of people in a small amount of time can get you out and dating while weeding out the people who may not be as receptive to your single parent status in a safe environment. Also, these events are scheduled ahead of time, so you have ample opportunity to make arrangements for your children.

Other places to meet people are singles groups. There are single groups all over your community and even in church. Some of those singles groups are even specifically designed for single parents.

Once you get into the world of single parent dating, just remember to include your children in what you are doing, especially if they are older. Yet always remember that you are still a parent. This is a fine line for most single parents, because some children are resistant to seeing their parents date other people. If your child is very resistant and making your dating life very difficult, sit down and talk about it. If you cannot resolve it, you may want to seek outside help. No matter what your situation, though, remember that even though you are a parent, you have a right to date and be happy.

The balancing act between single parent dating and being a single parent is not always easy, but it is worth it. Just remember, too, to never sacrifice your child's happiness for a date. Know the difference between your child just being resistant to being fearful or ignored. This is why it is important to be in the right place emotionally before you date, because you never want to sacrifice your child for your dating life.

In the end, single parent dating can be very rewarding for both you and your children. You can get out there and truly enjoy yourself and still be a good parent, too. Look for ways to balance dating and family life. Be true to yourself and your children, and dating can be fun for all.

Dating for Single Parents

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